I am an Academy Research Fellow at University of Turku, working on temporal causal inference. I am also PI of the statistics subproject of PREDLIFE Consortium at University of Jyväskylä.

My research can be broadly classified as computational statistics, mainly related to causal inference and time series methods (state space models, hidden Markov models, dynamic multivariate panel models), and respective statistical software development. My most up to date list of publications can be found in Google Scholar and on my UTU webpage, I rarely remember to update the publications and R packages pages here.

Ph.D. in Statistics ∙ University of Jyväskylä ∙ 2015

MSc in Statistics ∙ University of Jyväskylä ∙ 2010

I am not teaching at the moment. I have previously taught courses Statistical Inference 1, Bayesian Inference 1, R programming, and generalized linear models 2 at the University of Jyväskylä.


Jouni Helske

Academy Research Fellow (Statistics)